Hand Rejuvenation in Orange County
Hand Rejuvenation in Orange County
Hands rejuvenation is becoming more and more popular. Like our face, our hands show our age and how much sun exposure we’ve had. People spend time and money on improving how their face looks but often neglect their hands. You can hide your age when people see your face but if you don’t treat your hands as well you’re still revealing your age to others.
Like facial rejuvenation, a combined approach works best. Skin ages in many ways: it thins and becomes dry, lax and fragile. Brown spots develop. It becomes more transparent making blood vessels visible. The treatment process therefore requires a combination of treatments to address these different issues and achieve the best results.
Our successful treatment protocol combines 3-4 different treatments:
- Hiding blood vessels, plumping skin and replacing lost fat with Voluma®
- Stimulating collagen growth and smoothing wrinkles with Fraxel Restore Laser®
- Lightening brown spots and redness with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
- Smoothing rough, dry skin, maintaining your results from Fraxel and IPL and protecting your skin from the sun with our recommended skin care products to use at home.
A Nationally Recognized Leader
Dr. Lorrie Klein’s rare combination of technical expertise and aesthetic sensibility puts her at the forefront of dermatologists nationwide. Dr. Klein’s reputation for providing natural-looking results is why she’s the choice of women and men from throughout Southern California and beyond.

How do I Prepare for my treatments?
- To reduce bruising, avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, vitamin E, fish oil, etc. for 1-2 weeks before your Voluma. Take Arnica Montana, a natural oral medication (a high-potency version of this is available in our office) the day before and on the day of your treatment to reduce bruising and swelling.
- Use sunscreens and make sure your hands are not tan when you have your Fraxel and IPL treatments
- Avoid Retinols, RetinA, Tazorac and glycolic acid products for 2 weeks prior to your Fraxel treatments
How should I time my treatments?
We recommend having your Fraxel and IPL treatments first, followed by Voluma treatments last. If you prefer your Voluma treatment sooner, wait 2 months after Voluma before having Fraxel or IPL treatments. Fraxel and IPL treatments can be done consecutively (Fraxel>Fraxel>Fraxel, IPL>IPL>IPL) or alternating (Fraxel>IPL>Fraxel, etc.) 3-4 weeks apart (Fraxels should be at least 4 weeks apart).
Real Patients. Real Results.
We provide photos of our patients because we think the results speak for themselves. Browse our digital photo gallery of real patients online to discover the possibilities.