Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Treatment
Eczema is a condition in which the skin is particularly sensitive to drying out. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It affects approximately 15% of infants and children and 3% of adults in the U.S. At OC Dermatology in Laguna Niguel, we offer dermatitis treatment to patients from Dana Point, Irvine, and throughout Orange County.
If you or a loved one suffer from eczema, request a consultation at our office in Laguna Niguel with one of our skilled medical providers. Or call our office at (949) 652-7367 to schedule an appointment.
Preventing Dermatitis Outbreaks
Believe it or not, water is the most common cause of dry skin. The process of water evaporating off of your skin removes moisture from your skin’s surface. The best way to prevent this loss is to seal in the moisture by applying a moisturizer immediately after a bath or shower. This will do more to improve your skin problem then you can imagine.
Atopic dermatitis may be with you for a long time, and the best way to prevent future outbreaks is to turn the following prevention guidelines into lifelong habits.
- Use a mild cleanser or soap such a Dove, Eucerin, Purpose, Basis, Oil of Olay or Neutrogena. Avoid drying soaps such as Ivory, Zest, Irish Spring, and most deodorant soaps.
- Try to keep baths and showers down to a minimum. One per day should be your limit. Don’t stay in for an extraordinary length of time and don’t make the water exceedingly hot. Pat yourself dry, don’t rub.
- Moisturizing your skin is the best thing you can ever do for it. The moisturizer must be heavier or stronger than a standard moisturizing lotion in order to adequately protect your particularly sensitive skin. If it pours freely, it’s usually not heavy enough.
Moisturizer tips
- Remember you don’t have to apply a lot, just enough to remove the dryness and make your skin feel soft and smooth, and appear slightly shiny. Of course, in areas that you don’t care about how shiny they look, or when you’re not going out, the more moisturizer the better!
- Always apply the moisturizer right after you bathe or shower, while your skin still has a little water on it. This will seal the moisture in. Apply the moisturizer as often as possible in addition to this (2 times a day or more), and before bedtime.
- When your rash is present, apply the steroid ointment twice a day. Apply this before the moisturizer, if used together.